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How to choose the blade of the mutton slicer

Key word:How to choose the blade of the mutton slicer 

The blade of the mutton slicer has a variety of categories for choice, mainly according to the different characteristics of the choice of the response of the blade type, common have flat concave, deep flat concave, flat wedge and double concave shape, and then we do a professional interpretation of the four types respectively.

1, flat concave: used for sliding slicer or some rotary mutton slicer.

2, deep flat concave: only for collodion chips, because the knife edge is thin, when cutting hard solid material, the blade will vibrate.

3. Flat wedge: for paraffin section and specimen.

4, double concave: for shaking lamb slicing machine and sliding slicing machine paraffin section.

Different types of mutton slicer should choose different blades according to the situation, so that the right choice can meet our daily production needs.



Contacts:Yu Manager

Mobile phone:18915034332


Address:Guancheng village, Luoyang Town, Wujin District, Changzhou, Jiangsu


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